apulSoft Blog

Mar 12th, 2021 - blog math webdesign

Blog Math Display

For this blog, I wanted a way to display math equations nicely and inline in the middle of my blog entries. For the main text I use markdown parsed by the php script ParseDown. My blog entries are simple utf-8 text files with a bit of markdown.

First I found ASCIImath, a standardized and human-readable way to write math in text files. Initially, I used MathJax, an online service that can convert the ASCIImath to nice-looking equations on your site.

Example:  \$xi ~~ sqrt(t - 84/t - 14)\$  becomes  $xi ~~ sqrt(t - 84/t - 14)$.

After being happy with MathJax for a while, I realized there are a few downsides:

  • It relies on the MathJax homepage being reachable, so no offline math rendering for me working on the blog without internet access.
  • It is a bit slow.
  • The way it converts the page using JavaScript after loading is global, the entire page Html gets scanned for math. This can have unintended side-effects on menus, comments,...
  • Its main focus are MathML and TeX math, ASCIIMath uses old code (as of MathJax v3.1.2)

So I wanted an offline compatible local solution. After some searching I found two projects that solved everything:

A script to convert ASCIIMath to TeX inside the ASCIIMath repository called ASCIIMathTexImg.js.


The resulting TeX-style math can be converted to html using the awesome KaTeX project.


It's just one javascript file and one css file plus a bunch of fonts. I placed everything on my server:

|-- js
|   |-- ASCIIMathTexImg.js
|   |-- katex.js
|-- css
|   |-- fonts
|       |-- KaTeX_(*).tff
|       |-- KaTeX_(*).woff
|   |-- katex.css

Now I needed some client-side javascript to do the actual work once the page has been loaded. I wanted to limit the conversion to <p> tags inside a div with the id "blogtext". The \u000B shenanigan is to enable escaping of \$ using \\$. KaTeX needed an extra \displaystyle upfront to render tall equations nicely.

<link href="css/katex.css" rel="stylesheet">

<script src="js/ASCIIMathTeXImg.js"></script>
<script src="js/katex.js"></script>

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var blogelement = document.getElementById('blogtext');
        if (!blogelement) return;
        var c = blogelement.getElementsByTagName('P');
        for (var j = 0; j < c.length; ++j) {    
            // replace \$ with tmp char
            txt = c[j].innerHTML.replaceAll('\\$', '\u000B'); 
            var parts = txt.split('$');
            for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
                // replace tmp char with unescaped $
                parts[i] = parts[i].replaceAll('\u000B', '$'); 
                // odd parts are math
                if ((i & 1) == 1) { 
                    // convert to TeX
                    var math = AMTparseAMtoTeX(parts[i]);
                    // convert to html string
                    math = katex.renderToString('\\displaystyle ' + math, {
                        output: "html",
                        displaymode: true,
                        throwOnError: false
                    parts[i] = '<span>' + math + '</span>';
            c[j].innerHTML = parts.join(' ');           